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Avengers fanfiction peter stronger than steve

Avengers fanfiction peter stronger than steve. Old Peter, who had run from his dads instead of towards them. He wasn't aware of anything other than pain. ' Peter was well aware of the articles. Tony and Steve watched the TV, it was on the news and the latest story was of Spider-Man stopping a robbery right outside of Queens. "Huh. Peter tried to sound strong but only managed pained and shaky. And then one day, while fighting to protect Bucky, there was someone else that was stronger than him. , Thor, Hawkeye/Clint B. "She kinda scares me. Normally Tony would have denied the offer, but every time Peter spasmed it got stronger, more violent, and he knew he'd likely drop Peter if it happened again while he held him. Steve was his brother. So it's basically the original Avengers from first film still working together, and Tony recruiting Peter simply because he was impressed with his skills. About a year and a half ago, during a high school field trip, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider, which naturally, gave him spider powers, which in turn, made him Spider-Man. Despite Peter's remarkable endurance, Tony worried that if they messed up, Steve could actually hurt Peter. Peter blushed under the praise and murmured wetly, "Thanks guys. "Hey kiddo. Feb 24, 2024 · Tony didn't know what his plan was, but he trusted Steve as much as he trusted anyone in the world. You've saved so many innocent people, Peter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Spider-Man volunteers to hold off USAgent and Steve accepts that Peter can do it even though most of the Avengers would have doubted him. I bet Steve and the others will be back soon, then we can start!" He clapped his hands and gestured for Peter to follow him through the Avengers Compound. " Peter says to Steve, causing the man to laugh. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (3334) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2698) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (713) Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov (610) Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (566) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (503) Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker (477) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (473) James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker (407) Yes! Ha ha, 23 reviews! Muah ha ha ha ha! So happy, happy happy! Thank you so much everyone, and I hope this chapter solves the 'wait, Peter is stronger than Captain America' problem people have been commenting on. Iron Man gave in to his worst impulses after trying to repeatedly murder Bucky in cold blood after Steve tried to get him to stop despite how Bucky was brainwashed into being an assassin. Steve and Tony walked over, sitting down on the bed next to Peter. It felt so light weight in his hands. " KAREN informed. His eyes lands on Peter's sleeping form. So like any young teen who sees Thor's hammer in the middle of the coffee table, he decided to pick it up. The whole time. " "It's cool. "You're still only sixteen, but you're on par with him right now. " Aug 12, 2017 · One second Thor and Peter were on opposite sides of the room, and suddenly Thor's hammer is flying at impossible speeds towards Peter. The bad news is, they've moved back into the compound, but they still aren't on good terms. "Basically, we're making a bet. "Mhmm. " Tony took a drink, then pointed at Thor. He is inhumanly flexible, meaning he can move and bend and react in ways the others are simply not capable of. They meet in the gym with Bucky and Natasha, all changed and ready to sweat. "He's perfectly fine. Year is MCU current 2025 Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 96 - Words: 256,194 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 69 - Updated: 9/29 - Published: 11/11/2022 - Captain America/Steve R. Steve nodded. His senses are the most enhanced of all the Avengers. He couldn't believe that he had picked it up. "No! Steve stay down!" Peter screams. The public would always view Steve to be the strongest, but the man knew that he wasn't. Feb 19, 2019 · “Is the boy a member of the team now, too?” Thor asks, and Peter frowns, because it doesn’t matter if Thor’s a god or not, no kid likes being talked about as if they’re not there by any adult. Stranges portals, suddenly finding himself in the middle of New York, and he took Peter to Mays apartment, ringing the doorbell. It's hard to forgive someone who nearly killed you and left you for dead. We're even, I took your shield. New Peter knew that his dads love him. The Avengers all stared in shock, calling out for the Spider to pay attention and he watched the kid's expression turn to one of surprise as he raised his hands to try to protect himself somewhat. They are married and Tony is the "perfect" Omega husband but is also acutally super smart and Iron Man and Steve doesnt know. Steve loved Peter. ~0~. Peter is really smart. I know, I know he is stronger. For the next few hours, Steve casually lifted cars for Tony to work on. At fourteen, he meets the Avengers, first as Arachne, then as Peter Parker. Natasha smiles when she sees how nervous Peter looks, even when Steve tries to calm the boy's qualms. " Steve sat down in a seat next to Peter. "That guy it nuts. " Steve stared at Peter. Nov 14, 2017 · "Peter!" Steve barks out in alarm, and, with a rush of adrenalin, he tries to sit up, to help Peter, who has been holding back the rocks and saving their lives for God knows how long. " I tell him and he shakes my hand his grip a lot stronger than Steve and Bruce's "So your the Man of Spiders that swings around?" He asks and I nod "Yes I am Mr God Of Thunder Thor sir. I—I'll take you to get your first car, maybe—maybe something run down, and we can fix it together. He was safe. This place was so unlike his own, less technology but much more open and more room to play. Tony had recently set up a parkour course in the Avengers gym so that Spider-Man could practice something other than combat with the team, and the boy absolutely loved it. The Avengers are broken after what Thanos has done, Tony is starving and stranded. " "Than all of us ever will be," Steve said. " "I am!" Peter was still avoiding Tony's gaze, but there was a silvery sheen to his eyes. We provide the most popular avengers fanfiction peter stronger than steve light novel like: flashy adventurer system : show off to get stronger!, hotter than hell, he is warmer than time. Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. So now that we got all that stuff out of the way, I don't suppose it's too late for movie night. Peter also felt numerous other pains as the projectiles entered his body. "Alright…" Peter agreed hesitantly. Peter Rogers-Stark is the biological son of Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Tony Stark (Iron Man). May 21, 2023 · After watching Spider-Man NWH really shows how Peter is stronger than Stark or Rogers. Language: Peter woke up to the Avengers, more like Steve and Tony, yelling at each other. He can even keep up with the likes of Shuri! But not everyone knows that. Look at me, kid, please. Its about Omega Tony Stark/ Alpha Steve Rogers. Steve watches the two for a moment before he's staring down at Peter, who's currently trying to say something with barely any breath left in his lungs. Those that had been attacking Natasha had runoff. Set just after Spider Man Homecoming. Steve leaves for work everyday and then Tony either leaves to be Iron man or builds something new. "What the hell, Parker?" Annoyed, Tony gestured broadly at the room, Peter, and the situation at large. You're—you're my kid, Peter, and I never spent enough time with you. How could they not, faced with this adorable, genius, spidery, godling? Peter silently walks behind Steve and with a soft 'pfft' sound trapped him in webs. It is then that Steve realizes Peter's been whispering to him the whole time they've been down there. AN: This is slightly AU from Marvel Timeline. "I really am. Maybe it was time they figured things out and become a family. " It is not canon, but is set pre Civil War in which Peter Parker meets the Avengers in a different way. Thank you for reviewing your opinions about it, I treasure every second of comment reading! He watched as Peter got stronger, the way he smiled when the other Avengers signed his casts, and how he went back to his normal talkative self as soon as his throat was better. Peter Parker has, and he isn't a fan. , OC News articles that Peter was well aware of from his own research - news articles that he was sure his Dad hoped that Peter would never know about. "I can climb walls and ceilings, and I have super strength, which I guess you figured, dropping an airport ramp on me and all. So instead, he nodded and removed Peter's seatbelt so that the captain could have access to the teen. Completely normal, right? Well, with his new found powers, and some lessons learnt, Peter decided to become a super hero. Okay, Tony had had just about enough of this shit. Steve smiles. Has anyone from our team ever been in contact with him?" Tony asked. " Steve laughs, "Real underdog, huh? You remind me of someone I Steve slowly made it to Bucky's side and looks in the room with him. But then Bucky showed up again and proved to be -if only slightly- stronger than Steve. We can—we can fix your suit, together. Mar 7, 2020 · Big Brothers. Steve and Natasha had been the biggest advocates for it, and Tony the strongest opposition, but he had caved on the stipulation that Natasha, not Steve, train him. Steve wants nothing more than for Tony to be Peter’s father, especially since there’s a chance he could be. There was no Civil War between the Avengers, as I didn't like them all fighting each other. Old Peter would have asked them to in a heartbeat. Im trying to find a lost Avengers Fanfiction. That is phenomenally strong! Stronger than I have ever been. News articles that revealed that Howard Stark (Peter's grandfather) had practically prostituted his son out in an attempt to 'turn him straight. He then silently moved to the other three and did the same thing. "No, Peter, no. He had a bigger heart than you! - self righteous Captain America," jabbing Steve in the chest, "and he certainly was stronger!" They were surprised. He was special. but when Peter's trust in the Avengers is crushed will they be able to put their difference aside to save the world? Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 32,112 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 159 - Updated: 8/14 - Published: 9/13/2022 - Peter P. One day, Peter comes across a merc with a mouth and finds it to be very frustrating: keeping a secret, fighting bad guys who set out to kill him and his Just because Peter is Tony's doesn't mean that he is able to keep him happy and satiated while he's busy with the family business, in comes Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, two Alpha's that have no issue keeping up with the Omega. I'll take you wherever you want. . Apr 27, 2019 · Steve had asked gently taking Peter's small hands in his massive ones. And the people that didn't make it? That is not on you. Sep 21, 2019 · "Peter Parker," Tony said as he wiped away a tear from underneath Peter's eye, "you are braver than I ever will be. Peter didn't have a chance to pick it up earlier but he did now. He is also incredibly durable. the Avengers have set their eyes on spiderman for a posablbe recruit or enemy. Suddenly his body was shaking with being shocked. Some might even compare his IQ to that of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. As Steve lifted Peter Happy wrapped a woolen blanket around him. Ignoring the skeptical looks of the heroes standing around him Peter pushed Steve's hands away with more force than Steve expected. Steve wandered through one of Dr. Meanwhile, Zumo wakes one of the Super Soldiers. Cap watched movies with him, and Bruce patiently answered the same questions over and over when Peter forgot the answer. Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Thor are still reeling from the effects of what happened until an unexpected guest arrives at the doorstep. "It's been so long but i still remember how i was before," Steve reminiscences. " "Me too, son. The rogue avengers have finally agreed to sign the revised accords, and are no longer war criminals. You're stronger than anyone I've ever met. The Avengers had appeared one by one to watch the wannabe Olympian train, starting out with a chuckle as they heard him hollering his excitement ending with grimaces each "We've been trying to see if you could be stronger than Steve," Bruce said. One by one, the Avengers begin to discover that Peter is smarter than he lets on. When Steve headed to bed, Tony quietly asked JARVIS to keep him updated on the Captain's whereabouts. " Steve winces, "Sorry about that, by the way. Bucky had been wary of the training room when he first got persuaded to do a 'proper' training session, he couldn't help the memories of his time as HYDRA's fist pushing to the forefront and, despite his clean bill of mental health (well as far as brain washing was concerned), he was still worried he was going to lose control and hurt someone. Nov 16, 2019 · Bucky. He's got to be stronger than me, did you see him lift that car?" Steve asked. " Tony said, running his fingers through Peter's hair. Steve always made time to play with Peter and Tony when they needed an extra person to play a certain role or just spent time with them when they ate lunch. (Time skip) Peter slammed his locker and passively laughed at a joke Ned has said. And they immediately adore him. He was stronger than he thought. Steve and Natasha had readily agreed. It took longer than Peter expected for his dads to come back in, but he realized that when they walked in looking chastised and calmer, that Bruce had been talking to them. "No! No, no, no! Peter, that doesn't make you weak, that makes you strong. After Steve had removed his hand Peter pushed off the cloths that were piled on his side, getting slightly woozy from the sight of his ragged side. (Get ready for some in-depth trauma folks, it's going to be a long ride. " "You were…" Bucky says in a near whisper. The voice faded as the door opened and the Avengers walked back in. "Pretty sure i was smaller than him to be honest. He didn't have to struggle at all. cThor is irritated by this while Ares finds it hilarious. "What do you mean stronger?" Natasha said, "Nobody's stronger than Steve stop with your boasting, Star-" "He had super powers!" Peter was shaking a little less now, but he was still shaking. "They wouldn't be here, if it weren't for you. "Are you going away?" Peter looked between the three of them terrified. "I'm sorry we were freaking out. It was a normal Saturday for the Avengers. New Peter knew that they would never stop looking for him, knew that they would quit the Avengers for him if he asked, because Peter was more important than any mission. When Peter entered the room his dad was having a full blown Panic attack, Rhodey was trying to help him, Steve was glaring, and the others looked conflicted. They just didn’t know that ‘PETER’ the weapon was ‘Peter’ the human. "Peter no, we wanted to ask you if you wanted to come and live with us!" And if there were settings for advanced 'Spider-ling' needs, just thrown in on a freaking whim, than perhaps that could, very well, save Peter's life at this point in time, but Tony doesn't like it. Then he went back to lay down on the couch next to Natasha who heard him and felt his head gently come to rest on her thigh. I don't own any characters. Fridays were very important to Peter, and now that it was 10am on a Friday, Peter had a smile on his face and a wish for the next 4 classes to fly by. Peter dropped the wall back into place and fell to the ground, body trembling from both exhaustion and fear. ” Peter is effectively stolen by the avengers to prevent the mass destruction planned by HYDRA. "Peter, a therapist is gonna come talk to you, okay? He's gonna ask you a few questions," Steve said. /Spider-Man Peter would probably be in the back yard while his guardian, Steve would be somewhere in the house. Browse WebNovel to online read 600+ avengers fanfiction peter stronger than steve stories. "Peter Parker, or Spider-Man sir. Peter is secretly Spiderman and plans to keep it a secret from his family, the Avengers. If Steve said they had something else to focus on that was what they were going to do. In most cases he would have been having a real fangirl moment. " I tell him and he lets out a booming laugh and Mr Stark chuckles and Bruce and Steve let out small grins Sep 10, 2017 · Tony screamed out protests and curses, trying to fight the hand that sprung through the gap and yanked him through, but it was stronger than he was, and he was gone. ) For example, Peter is physically stronger than most of the Avengers, with the exception of Thor and Bruce. Peter felt awkward standing there, having an outstretched arm with a broom that had a bullet stuck to it- was that a bullet? That will have to wait. Peter shot his webbing in the air until it stuck to a building and swung across. "I thought you'd be happy to see me. This Peter had certainly changed Tony Stark immensely. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (3335) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2699) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (713) Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov (610) Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (566) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (503) Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker (477) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (474) James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker (407) Natasha calls in an old friend for help against Steve's team, who turns out to become a more permanent in her friend's and the Avengers lives. Peter, I love you, kid, please don't leave me. :. - Rules & GuidelinesChapter 1. "What can you do?" Steve asks, sounding genuinely interested. Steve, Sam and Bucky were out on a mission, while Nat and Bruce were in the lab, Rhodey was training with Pietro outside and Wanda was reading a book. His eyes locks on Peter. So Peter swallows dryly and responds, “I’m Tony’s son. Peter had latched onto them while looking around the three of them. It'll take a few years to see who wins, though. Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (38) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (36) Peter Parker & Pepper Potts (36) Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark (22) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (21) Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (20) Include Additional Tags Peter Parker Meets the Avengers (261) Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (140) Tony Stark Has A Heart (85) A cute on-shot of the Avengers trying to lift the hammer at a party with no success only to have Peter accidentally do it. Chapter 1 "Peter!" Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (11) Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (11) Include Additional Tags Peter Parker Needs a Hug (34) Fluff (23) Hurt/Comfort (18) Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (18) Protective Bucky Barnes (17) Precious Peter Parker (17) Avengers Family (13) Hurt Peter Parker (13) Tony Stark Has A Heart (12) Peter wasn't aware of his surroundings when Steve picked him up and wrapped his arms around him to keep him in place. Tony had to set aside his fear for one version of his son to help the other. Reviews are loved but be gentle this is my first Avengers fanfiction. Tony took a step closer, and Peter took a step back. That got Peter up and running in seconds. " "You may be stronger than me now," Steve admitted. "Peter, Tony is on the verge of panic attack. You're saying that you are willing to let go of your pride, of your dignity, just so that others aren't harmed. " Peter looked lost, and Steve's heart broke a little at the forlorn look on the younger man's face. "Think of all the people you've saved," Loki gripped his shoulders tighter. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,921 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 166 Sep 30, 2016 · Normal struggling college student Peter Parker who just so happens to have a Stark internship and might just be SPIDER-MAN has to face the consequences of become one of New Yorks favorite vigilantes all while the avengers chase him. " Steve pats Peter's shoulder. "H-hi, Mr Rogers, uh, Captain? Captain America? It's a huge honor," Peter shifted into a more closed position, letting his mouth run its course. Later in the fic, Peter manages to temporarily take down Ares and Clone!Thor in a single move. Actually, no one does. This is part of my "Of tears, love and superheroes" universe. Peter would have been honored to have touched Captain America's shield if the situation had been different. That was what Peter needed him to do. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes came running around the corner. It was Friday night that found Steve and Bucky up for a snack; their super solider metabolism seems to have them constantly eating more often than the other team members, not that they minded as Tony always had the kitchen stocked with something they could quickly to put together without burning down the kitchen. Or, Peter the disgruntled teenager. "She has that effect on people. Tinkering was always therapeutic for Tony, but having the genius' quiet presence was therapeutic for Steve. "Oh baby no!" Tony hugged him tighter quickly assuring him.